Also known as ‘what is going on?!’

We are sure it’s not news to you that we are entering a new era along with our next season in Ag, complicated on so many levels by that mask-wearing hairy elephant in the room. The lack of willing workers with internal and global borders shut, booming stock prices (the good, the bad and the scary!), water either flooding or non-existent, fert prices rocketing and reduced fert supply… it’s nothing we as Aussie’s can’t handle but WOW it is a lot all at once.

We cannot promise to fix any or many of these things for you, but our products and services are here to help you transparently assess your enterprise to make sure you’re able to make the best choices for you and your business at every stage. This includes our new component, livestock planning. 

Initial feedback we’ve received on our livestock planning is positive. It just makes sense to be able to throw in some figures alongside your crop planning and get some rough figures out, even if you don’t want to go the whole hog and do feed budgeting and track your surplus and deficit (but we do that too). Let’s start with just throwing in your stock classes, basic inputs, basic outputs and seeing how that tracks alongside your cropping enterprise. Maybe buying those extra 10 or 50 head at crazy prices will actually work in your favour, maybe not, but throwing down the numbers and really mapping it out has to be a great place to start.

Moving along to our cotton buddies, this proves to be an interesting season for you! If you follow us on socials you will see that our Dr Chris Dowling is presenting at a webinar today (for northern regions) and next Thursday (southern), I’ll throw the details down below if you’re keen to listen in. 

Sampling, gosh what a haul this has been. We’ve seen an increased sampling appetite and decreased postal speeds. I think the record holder is 4 weeks in transit for an Express service. If you can beat that let me know and I’ll shout you a coffee (or beer) from your local… what a time to be stuck in the middle.

Quick technical note also, our WebConnect product is retiring disgracefully (not really, but it amuses me) and has been replaced by the shiny HTML5 which works on any device (hello android). If suddenly your product isn’t opening and you’re using WebConnect, this is why, and we’ve sent you an email. Your data is being carefully wrapped in bubble wrap and the beach towel while it’s carried across so it’s as safe as pie, you just need to use a different address to access it. 

Please feel free as always to reach out, we love to hear from you. 


Cotton webinar (North): 5:30pm NSW, 26th October, 2021. Hosted by Crown Analytical: Meeting link:

Cotton webinar (South): 5:30pm NSW, 4th November, 2021. Meeting link: